Don't lose it, STARtag it
Introducing STARtag our next-generation tracker for your assets

R89x36 months
Don't lose it, STARtag it.
We’re making it even easier for you to keep your cool by not worrying about losing what belongs to you.
Our new next-generation stolen vehicle and asset tracker; StarTag is just the thing for that.
Protect your vehicle and even small things like your motorcycle, scooter, trailer, boat, jet ski or similar items.
Vehicle tracking and recovery
Included in your asset tracking and recovery service
Our innovative asset tracking and recovery solution that can be used to secure nearly any mobile asset, precious cargo or even employees.
STARtag's key benefits
Secure your valuables
Cutting-edge technology ensures that your assets remain protected
Approximate location tracking
More peace of mind with an approximate location of your vehicle and assets
Long lasting battery life
Enjoy continuous operation
Affordable and effective
Robust features that fit within your budget
Why Netstar?
Clients served
Emergency call centre
90% +
Recovery rate
Speedy installation at your home, office or one of 100+ fitment centres.
Jamming Resist is a Netstar registered trademark
Interested in our STARtag offering? Get in touch