
Boosting your driver productivity – Essential KPIs to track for optimal performance - Netstar

Written by fishgate@netstar | May 14, 2023 4:27:03 PM

A vehicle cannot run without fuel. It needs good quality fuel, along with proper care and maintenance to run smoothly. But what happens when you do not have skilful and professional drivers to drive your vehicles?

While your vehicles might be the backbone of your business, drivers are its soul. As an effective fleet manager, it is your responsibility to take care of the backbone as well as the soul of the business.

However, maintaining driver engagement and improving performance in your fleet can become challenging over time as you must develop exciting tasks and activities for them.

So, how do you improve driver performance and productivity of your fleet? The solution is simple – deploy modern technology into your fleet operations.

Setting KPIs

As a business owner or fleet manager, maximising the productivity of your drivers is crucial. It helps in maintaining operational efficiency and ensuring customer satisfaction. However, achieving optimal driver performance requires more than just driver training, setting goals and expecting results. By focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), you can gain valuable insights into your drivers’ performance.

With the help of fleet management software, managers can understand the pain points of each driver and eventually help them improve their driving productivity. By closely monitoring each driver’s individual performance, fleet managers can provide them with accurate performance-based feedback and develop and implement appropriate driving training programmes.

Through a combination of effective tracking, clear goals, and targeted improvements, you can create a culture of productivity that drives your business forward. So, let’s explore these essential KPIs and discover how they can lead to increased driver productivity, cost savings, and overall operational success.

  1. Optimised Loading and Unloading Times

Tracking your drivers’ entry and exit time for every delivery provides insights into their punctuality and time management. Monitoring this KPI helps you identify any delays that may impact productivity. By streamlining the loading and unloading processes, setting clear expectations and rewarding punctuality, you can ensure optimal performance.
KPI: On-time entry and exit.

  1. Route Optimisation 

Efficient route planning is crucial for timely deliveries and fuel efficiency. By monitoring the routes taken by drivers, you can identify any detour or inefficient paths. Use GPS and fleet management software to plan and optimise routes. Minimise unnecessary kilometres and reduce idle time, leading to shorter delivery or service times, and if possible, provide drivers with real-time traffic information to help them avoid congested routes and make quicker, more informed decisions.
KPI: Average route deviation or fuel consumption per route.

  1. Compliance with Checklists 

Clear checklists help drivers perform their tasks consistently and efficiently. By regularly monitoring if drivers are completing their checklists, it helps ensure adherence to safety protocols, maintenance requirements, and other operational standards. Checklist functionality is planned for introduction in early 2024.
KPI: Checklist completion rate.

  1. Efficient Task Manager

Timely task completion is essential for productivity. Help your drivers prioritise their tasks and provide them with tools for efficient task management. The first step towards improving driver performance is to correct them as soon as their harmful driving behaviour becomes apparent.
KPI: Task completion rate within the assigned time frame.

  1. Dangerous Driving Alerts

Unsafe driving practices not only harm lives but also impact fuel efficiency and vehicle maintenance costs. Implement a system that alerts you to instances of speeding, sudden braking, or aggressive driving. By addressing these behaviours promptly, you can promote safe driving habits and improve productivity.
KPI: Number of rash driving incidents.

  1. Tracking Distances

Monitoring kilometres driven provides insights into fuel efficiency and vehicle utilisation. Encourage drivers to track their kilometres accurately and analyse the data to identify areas for improvement. Offer incentives for fuel-efficient driving and provide feedback to drivers on their performance.
KPI: Average kilometres per trip or fuel consumption.

  1. Driver Training and Incentive Programmes

Offer regular training to improve driving skills, fuel-efficient driving techniques, and safe practices. Complimented by performance-based incentive programmes that reward drivers for meeting productivity goals, safe driving, and efficient routes. Well-trained drivers are more likely to perform efficiently.
KPI: Driver Retention.

  1. Driver Communication

Maintain open communication channels with drivers to gather feedback on operational processes and challenges they encounter, and keep drivers informed about changes in routes, schedules, and operational procedures to minimise surprises and confusion.
KPI: Driver Wellness.

  1. Pay, Wealth and Well-being Support

Nothing can work the way money does. Offering a good wage is highly critical especially for the primary earners. In addition, ensure drivers have access to adequate rest areas, food, and facilities to maintain their well-being. A rested and satisfied driver is likely to be more productive.
KPI: Driver Retention. 

  1. Using High-quality Equipment

Drivers are extremely happy – even to drive long distances – if the vehicles, trailers, trucks or whatever equipment you are using is in prime condition. High-quality equipment empowers them with enthusiasm to get their work done in the stipulated time. Such equipment puts less stress on their driving; makes manoeuvring on the road much easier thereby keeping their morale always high.
KPI: Driver Retention.

Wrapping Up

Keeping your drivers happy and content, but making sure they are productive, is the key to a successful business. A positive environment in your fleet management company will help you boost the performance of your drivers, resulting in reduced losses and increased revenue.

We hope this article helped you understand how vital driver KPIs for fleet management are, if you want to learn how to improve driver productivity in fleet management.